Last Chance

Today i had the chance to tell you i loved you,
today i had the chance to say i wanna be your boo,
today i had the chance to say Ur my boy,
and the chance to tell you my feelings are true.
today i failed to tell you you fill my body and soul,
i failed to tell you you make me whole,
i failed to say i wanna be with you along the way,
i failed to tell you ill love you each and everyday.
yesterday i had the chance to say the same,
but i was to scared you'd think it was stupid and lame,
to scared that you'd never talk to me again,
to scared you'd be another lost friend.
iv always had the chance to tell you how i feel,
to tell you these word are real,
but every time i try,
i get a little shy,
boy i wish you new,
these feelings make me wanna cry.
I'm just scared that tomorrow i wont have the chance,
i wont have the pleasure to see your face for another glance.
i wont be able to give you all of me,
wont be able to love you at this degree.
I'm scared you might be gone and i might not have the chance,
so lets hold on to today,
take my hand and well have one last dance.
one last ride,
imma stand tall and show you my pride,
because sometimes i get scared,
i wanna break down and hide.
but i just wanna hold on to today,
tell you i love you today,
tell you i wanna be with you till my dying day.
i wanna say,
you make me happy in every single way...


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