Please Don`t Cry

Please don’t cry
I’m not really gone
When you look out the window
I’ll be standing on the lawn

Please don’t cry
I’ll see you again
Don’t be sad
Keep up your chin

Please don’t cry
I’m not at all sad
When you cry yourself to sleep
I’ll be by your bed

Please don’t cry
Just because we had to part
As long as you remember me
I’ll live in your heart

Please don’t cry
I’m not gone forever
I’ll be a cool and gentle breeze
In hot summer weather

Please don’t cry
Don’t run and hide
When you need a shoulder to lean on
I’ll be by your side

Please don’t cry
When you’re sad and weak
I’ll be there
To kiss you on the cheek

Please don’t cry
This is just a goodbye
So please, oh please
Baby, do not cry


  1. hy you :D :D :D

    This poem is wonderful....
    Indeed it is a poem that gives confidence in you....and it reminds you that you have someone near you....i don't know what to say....
    ....just thank you because it is beautiful....of course all your poem's are great...when you read you feel...... they are really written from the heart....and i love that

    I'm grateful for this poem...and I smiled when i read it... just like that :)
    you now what is weird?I'm that kind of person who always smiles no matter what problem i have...but your poems,like some of my songs....It's not just make me cry .... but when I read them...i attach them... i read them 10 times, or listening to a thousand times and I feel so good even if It make me cry ... I feel good.....oau i write a real novel here :D
    oki now I go to sleep....thank you again....night night :*

  2. hmmm again at 2 o`clock..I like that way u cry just smile...I really like that...a person that smiles with tears in her a lot of love. that kind o girls shouldn't be hurt...I`m glad u loved it..that makes " happily" I have succeeded...u smiled..yay
    :* day day

  3. hy you...
    you're very sweet...thank you....and yes you succeeded... :) :*
    day day :))

  4. :D u have a bueautiful smile...u should smile often :D
    nite nite :*

  5. :D :):):):).....these are for you..... many smiles :P
    thank you... i know that people are beautiful when they smile :) and that is true...true?'re sweet to when you smile :*

  6. :DDD u gave a lot of smiles :P very true Miss. B :*

    I need 2 change my profile pic...with a smiling one :D

  7. :))))
    thank you :* .... Yes indeed you're very seriously in this picture.... :P

  8. ....I smile so that`s why I didn't...attached a smiling one :)) u might laugh of my smile lool :*

  9. :)) have know ideas how you're wrong...let me say something to feel better..honestly my smile is creepy....and whan i i'm sure is more better to be funny than creepy :)))

    :* :* :*

  10. way...I like lovely not at all creepy...I saw lots of your smiles :D actually smiling pictures on fb....and it is a lovely one :PPPP

    well...ok I attache one :D thx 4 advice
    :* :*

  11. look at the time...almost I got u here...1;26 u...1;52 I...hehehe ooo by the way...I cannot fix it...don`t know how...:P If u know how 2 fix it...I give u password 2 change it :PPPPP

    almost met u here:D night night :*

  12. :D i like the picture...i like very much you're simles :)...and you're very very sweet....i'm glad you put a picture with you smiling....

    :))) yes you almost caught stay awake again.... to see wresling?? :))
    i don't know how to fix are pc operator...i'm waitress how do i know? :p....i did my jop i have seen you handle fix it :P :P :P
    just kidding....but I still do not know. :)

  13. well...I was playing football manager on facebook:D..hmmm u`re right Miss Waitress I`m one...but still don`t know how...cuz I cannot find the right option :)))...honestly...I was ashamed because of that pic...but I`m not anymore thnx thnx :*

  14. :) Mister pc can you be ashamed about that pic? have to be ashamed if you are in that pic with one eye open and one eye close and you're nose is weird....then believe me you don't what that pic to be seen....:))))
    you are sweet :*

  15. :D well I do have a big nose :D ashamed or not...u really are o good person... a polite one :P and I like that thank u..u sweet :*


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