I had a best friend...:((

I have a best friend...
In the sandbox we used to play,
We grew up with each other,
but things ended up this way

I began to meet some new friends,
they all seemed pretty nice,
You told me they were the wrong crew,
But I didn't take your advice

I started smoking and drinking,
sneaking out and skipping school,
I never returned your phonecalls
because I was just too cool

I never told you the truth,
I just had to lie,
You told me I needed help
And all I could say was why?

I went to a party that night,
And I got so messed up I couldn't talk,
I tried to cross the street,
but I could barely walk

I heard a loud engine,
and I saw a bright light,
I then felt a great shove,
and I looked to my right

You'd been hit by a Semi,
With all the blood I could see,
You just pushed me out of the way
And that's how it had to be

A tear rolled down my face,
I could tell that you were dead,
I hugged your lifeless body
and wished it was me instead

I've been sober for 3 years,
and I have many more to spend,
I have my guardian angel,
I have a best friend...



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