...if ever...

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee, give recompence.

Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so persever,
That when we live no more, we may live ever....


I don't know why,
But I always feel,
To prove my love,
Is oh what a thrill.

You know I like a challenge,
And I never back down.
So I will Prove I Love You,
To get rid of that frown.

Remember that first gift.
When I gave it to you.
You were so surprised and said,
I made your dreams come true.

But Material things,
Are not the way
It's the little things,
I do for you day after day.

To Prove I love you,
I don't even know where to start.
But everything I do for you,
comes straight from my heart.

I can't express in words,
How to Prove I love You.
After all words are just words,
That's not what I do.


  1. hy you...
    This poem is wonderful....i love it....
    "But Material things,
    Are not the way
    It's the little things,
    I do for you day after day"
    this verse made my skin like a chicken skin(I do not know exactly how they say in English)but you understand :)

  2. goosebumps...:)) of course( in our language) I know B..see that is the way a man should love a woman and reverse...as the poem says...I`m glad u like this poem..how anout ur blog? u didn`t "type" since...long time

  3. hey you....
    Indeed it should be .... but it would be too perfect ... yet I guess there are couples or people who love this way.
    hmmm my blog ... Yes, he passed some time .... just that .... I stand the worst with imagination and I do not know what to post. .. everyone has his own way and post things you like and which are interesting for them ... to me it's difficult to pick this stuff ... my blog was a theme to get rid of an examination in the English ... now just get on your blog to read your poems because I like the poems of love and the full of sadness .... weird ... I don't know what am I supposed to post on the blog, something I would love to be there.
    but I think I will make this effort and I'll think of something :)

  4. Hi B I think there are few couples who love each others that way,because this is the way that man's mind is made up , to love until a limit and from then on ... become commonplace..always the beggining of a relation is the most beautiful...and after a few months or years...all becomes...kind a " habit"..between most couples is happening this way and it is so sad:(...well post a poem...so I can read it and expres my opinion :D...sa I see u like " sad poems" more...hmmm r u having some "trouble in love" or u had?...I like those sad poems 2..

  5. hy you...
    I can't say that I had such an experience ... but I have another opinion ...\"HABIT\" of a couple is normal because my opinion if is not habit between you and that person then it is not well ... in a relationship is good as a couple to be a habit but be to happiness,to do everything together and wont to respect the person ... not habit I think is the problem of a couple ...
    I like these poems because I had pain in my small love but have been more different.

  6. no habit = no happiness :D I agree...see this so called " love time " I mean..the beginning of a relationship always is the most beautiful part of most of couples...after a few months, years this " love time " disappears and the couples star to "squeak"...and ruin..so as u were saying that habit must be kept 4ever...that "love time", the sweetest part of a couple must be kept:) hugs


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